Two days, a man and a whole load of logic.

TGIFFF (Thank Goodness It’s Finally Fucking Friday)!! This week sure took it’s time to crawl by. Just this week alone, I had two consecutive days out with my managers. Thursday had me bringing my sales manager (SM) and the national sales director out on field, while my SM must really think I’m the loveliest person […]

Death by duct tape.

You know me and the love I have for children. Know me enough and you should know that my name and these little people should not be uttered in the same sentence. Recently, I was cornered by one of those overly blind biased indulgent mothers. There I was, innocently minding my own business in a […]

As Shakespeare (might have) said.

Well well well. Actually, it’s not going so well seeing that 1) it’s Monday tomorrow (technically already), 2) I have no desire of going back to work after a five-day break, 3) I have to wake up in approximately five hours and I’m still wide awake. Holy mother of god. Today a friend texted “save […]